Ever heard of our flag tattoos?
It’s high time you got your giveaways and promotional gifts ready for the World Soccer Championship 2018 in Russia.
Get the soccer party started – Russia 2018 is calling
Individually designed flag tattoos or fan tattoos in the colors of your national flag are a must-have eye-catcher at every fan fest around the globe celebrating the World Soccer Championship 2018. There are unlimited possibilities for a creative mind to individually design tattoos with imprint logos. Convince your costumer / target group with individually designed fan tattoos from Print Tattoo!
Flag tattoos in black / red / gold
Combine a color tattoo with shades of gold or metal and you will be the shining star at the fan fest. Each of our temporary tattoos is tested on skin tolerance and fulfill the criteria of the cosmetics regulation EG1223/2009. It’s possible to order a minimal quantity of 100 items or buy them in bulk without any restrictions concerning quantity.
Temporary tattoos as affordable promotional gift
Many flag or logo tattoos can be produced cost-effectively in 4c print without using metallic colors. The minimum order is 100 items, and the production conform to the cosmetics regulation EG1223/2009.

Example set “Weltmeister”
This is how your set of tattoos could look like. Individual headers and features available, of course..
Price example: 4c “Weltmeister” set + gold / paper format A6 (105-148mm)
1000 items à € 996 (excluding VAT)
3000 items à € 1,520 (excluding VAT)
5000 items à € 1,782 (excluding VAT)
10,000 items à € 2,633 (excluding VAT)
Skin-friendly print tattoos – made in Austria
Our selection of tattoo variants fulfils every criteria of the European Cosmetics Regulation (EG) 1223/2009. Temporary tattoos by Print Tattoo are exclusively manufactured and designed in Austria.
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